
Brainstorm with me

I’m back. Thank you all so much for your patience, and most of all for your kind words, tips, and encouragement! It really means a lot, and I appreciate all of your support!!

Now, I’ve also had a bit of time to think about where I’m taking this blog and where my life is going in general. I’m about to graduate, and have got lots of thoughts and ideas on what to do next. I want to share some of those ideas with you today, and would love to hear your thoughts.

While I love photography, I’ve been interested in psychology for a long time now. The more time passes, the more I seem to be drawn towards topics like psychology in business, perception, branding, body language, marketing, presentation, the subconscious mind. I love understanding how the human mind works, and applying this knowledge to creative business situations. I love presenting something in a meaningful way, analysing situations and people, and thinking on a deeper/subconscious level.
I’ve been taking a lot of branding, presentation and body language courses over the last couple of years, and have watched many videos about the human mind, and how our subconsciousness works and influences situations.
I can’t quite find a general or summarising word for all these things, and haven’t managed to bring it all together yet. I would love to work in this area, and have just been brainstorming ways of how to put it into words and make it more tangible.

I also want to quickly talk about personality types, which relates to what I just mentioned as well. There are loads of personality tests out there, and I believe that most of them provide interesting insights. I wouldn’t call any of them ‘the one and only’ personality test, I think they all have downsides and benefits, but I believe that combined they can give you a pretty good picture of yourself. Let’s quickly talk about the Myers Briggs Test: I’m an ENFP. You can read more about it here and here. If you want to take the test, I’d love to hear what your type is as well.
ENFPs have a hard time focusing - I can tell you that ;) We love coming up with ideas, get all enthusiastic and excited about a project until the next one comes up. And the next one. And so on. While I think I managed pretty well to keep this blog focused on photography, there have been A LOT of ideas coming and going in my head over the years.
I’m mentioning this, because apart from my interest in psychology which I talked about before, I’ve been considering going deeper into food photography and making a baking book. This idea’s been floating around in my head for a long time now as well, but I’ve pushed it away every now and then when new new ideas came up. And then there’s another big idea I’ve got, based around NGOs and business. Well, more on that some other time.

I thought I’d share my what’s going on inside of my mind - I want to be completely open and honest with you, and of course I’m hoping to hear your thoughts and insights as well. Let’s have fun and do some brainstorming. :)


  1. Hi! Maybe you could have two separate blogs? I started following your blog because I'm interested in photography, and for me, it would be a bit annoying if you had psychology posts mixed with that. I really hope that you continue this photo blog, so maybe concentrate on the two topics in individual blogs.
    I'm not sure if this was the kind of comment you were looking for (English is not my first language)? :)

    1. There's no wrong or right comment :) I totally understand, and appreciate you letting me know why you come here. This makes sense of course, I'll definitely consider a second blog. Thank you for this insight!

  2. I took the Myers-Briggs several years ago and am an INFP. The explanation strikes me as pretty accurate so perhaps the people behind this one know their stuff. The site you linked to agrees:

    our personality type: INFP.
    Breakdown of preferences: Mind - Introverted (80%), Energy - Intuitive (28%), Nature - Feeling (13%), Tactics - Prospecting (8%), Identity - Turbulent (21%).

    so I don't seem to have changed significantly over the years.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Mike! I've found it pretty insightful as well.

  3. It's such an exciting time for you, the world is your oyster! I don't have any advice except to try and do something that you are passionate about. I find I get really into something, and then something new comes along, and I find it hard to commit to one thing. Not sure what personality type I am, I'll try and do the test. The psychology aspect sounds fascinating, and I'm sure it's an area in which you would be able to find work in the future - businesses are always going to need people to advise them on marketing. But you are also a very creative person with a talent for photography. Good luck with your decisions Helena, I hope the paths you choose will bring you happiness.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging and kind words CJ! I really appreciate it! !
      You sound like you might be an ENFP - having trouble to commit sounds familiar ;) But do take the test, I'm sure it will be interesting.

    2. Just did it, I'm an INFP. It's really interesting to read everything written about that type, and it really seems very accurate. And it's really encouraged me to think more about my dream of writing. I'm a bit astonished actually, that a quick five minutes on the computer this morning has given me so much to think about. Thank you for directing me to the test. I'm sat here slightly speechless now!

    3. Wow - that's amazing! Great to hear :) I'm glad you took the test and feel like it's addressed you and got you thinking. I'd love to hear more on how it might change your writing journey, or whatever else it might influence. Thanks for stopping by again and sharing your results!

  4. I'm the same way. I have a lot of ideas, but I can't stick to one. I'm a thinker, analyser, observer, so your idea sounds great.
