
Space Party

I’m on work placement at the Sunday Times Magazine for the next couple of weeks, so I prepared some posts which I’ve been meaning to get out there for a while. Today I’ve got some photos to show you from our New Year’s Eve Space Party.
It was so much fun, especially going crazy on the 'dance floor'. I also loved preparing and getting everything ready, really focusing on the details. Luckily Louis wanted it to be just as perfect as me, bought a whole roll of fabric from the market to put up in our living room, borrowed a smoke machine, got a laser, more lights, loads of drinks, and created the playlist (you can listen to part of it here).
I created a secret Pinterest board for inspiration, wrote invitations (sadly don’t have any pictures of them), made lots of food, and was obsessed with my outfit and ‘character’ and coming up with a name and story around it.
I even downloaded the Google Sky Map app (which is pretty cool!), which helped me to come up with my name - Vindemiatrix from planet Alphekka ;) Louis was called Unukalhai (forgot the planet's name).

P.S. Of course we had a lot more people show up than the ones in the photos - but you know, I like things to look good, so these ones are definitely the most spacey looking ones ;)

PPS. Have you entered the giveaway yet?


  1. that looks like so much fun, girl! i want a party like this too:)

  2. I so wish I had gotten to attend this party! This is my kind of party!!

    1. Ha, I should throw a party for bloggers from all around the world - that'd be fun ;)
